Oh Bumble-Bees, nature's best florists. Not only do they work tirelessly to provide us with their beautiful arrangements and their deliciously sweet honey, but did you know their pollen also provides huge health benefits?
Heralded as one of the richest and purest natural foods, Bee Pollen contains a lush amount of not only vitamins and minerals; but also amino acids, hormones, enzymes, fats and natural antibiotics.

Psst. Skip to the bottom to if you want to get the quick rundown on all the benefits!
Such busy little bodies!
Fun Facts about this tasty little snack:
Bee Pollen can have a positive dramatic effect on mental perception during athletic performance
Children's IQ have been shown to double in some documented clinical tests
Significant increase in resistance to stress in both animals and humans
Protects against any insufficiencies in vitamins, minerals and amino acids --- especially during pregnancy, lactation, and intensive physical or mental work
Helps to forestall any internal metabolic disorders that eventually could generate various disease conditions
Furnishes building blocks that are essential for the repair of worn-out cells or tissues
Did the Doctor say you needed more Vitamin Bee? ...See what we did there ;)
You're in luck! In one gram of Bee Pollen, the following quantities of B-Complex vitamins can be found:
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) : 9.2mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) : 18.5mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) : 5.0 mg
Nicotinic Acid : 200.0 mg
Pantothenic Acid : 27.6 mg
Folic Acid : 5.0 mg
And here's just a few more of the vitamins that can be found in Bee Pollen: B5, B12, D, Biotin, Inositol and PABA.

For those of us who are needing a little extra TLC in the weight-loss department, Bee Pollen is definitely something you'll want to look into! Pollen regulates and stimulates your metabolism by supplying the missing catalysts that other foods do not. It helps you absorb the proper nutrients from your foods that you might otherwise miss out on. At the same time, our helpful friend neutralizes the catabolic effects of various toxins, environmental pollutants, synthetic drugs or food additives; thereby saving our precious muscles we're trying hard to build! These abs won't come for free, honey! ...(Oh, we're full of Bee puns)
Are you ready for the fun list of physiological functions that Bee Pollen can help you with? This is our favorite part!...
Accelerates growth of healthy new cells
Promotes increased tissue repair
Enhances greater toxic elimination
Reduces excessive cholesterol levels
Regulates blood pressure
Promotes increased resistance to infection
Activates the glands of internal secretion
Stimulates increased gastric secretory flows (read: greatly helps your gut health!!)
Stabilizes the entire nervous system
Improves fertility in women
Retards the growth of benign or malignant tumors
Eliminates excessive calcium deposits
Expels excessive uric acid accumulations
Shortens recovery time
Restores normal and healthy appetites
Promotes increased growth of skin tissue and counteracts wrinkles
Regulates the systemic biological functions
Increases calmness and relaxation
Natural anti-aging properties
Increased concentration and memory improvement
Prolongs youthfullness
Enhances sexual activity
Provides increased strength, vigor and vitality
Provides increased stamina, endurance and energy - levels
Promotes a more optimistic outlook on life
and finally...
Provides an overall feeling of well-being.
Good to Note: During many years of testing, Bee Pollen has been notable for its lack of harmful side-effects. It is a completely natural product that is well tolerated by the body, compatible with other forms of therapy and suitable for all ages. Kids eat your pollen!
And the best part?
Bee Pollen vitamins exist in perfect proportion, so you can take comfort in knowing you're getting the proper amount every time. This is the one sweet snack you can enjoy guilt free!
We love you little Bumble Bees!
***This information is for educational purposes and is not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease.***