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Hangover Remedy


With the Fourth of July right around the corner we can expect a huge celebration here in Jacksonville Beach. Festivities of the day typically include grilling, heading to the beach, and of course, drinking. Consuming alcohol and being out in the sun for hours can severely dehydrate your body, so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day (we recommend one glass of water for every adult beverage consumed). Additionally, try adding coconut water to your mixed drinks, which will add electrolytes! Since the holiday falls on a Wednesday this year, we’d like to have you prepared for work Thursday morning - just in case you over do it. This little concoction has been known to help alleviate some symptoms of a hangover. While moderation is always the "key" it never hurts to be prepared! We hope that you enjoy the Fourth and stay safe!

Ingredients: - 1 whole Banana

-1 Cup Milk**

-1 tbsp. Honey

-1 tsp. Coconut Oil

Just blend these together and have yourself a cool, curative smoothie to kick-start your day!

FYI: frozen fruit tends to blend better for smoothies rather than adding ice cubes

Why it Works: - Banana works to calm the stomach

- Milk soothes and re-hydrates the system

- Honey replenishes the bodies minerals and enzymes

-Coconut oil is a healthy fat that acts as a source of brain food

**If dairy intolerant substitute coconut water

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